Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Facebook. Colossians Series

I have been preaching a sermon series through the book of Colossians called "facebook, what is your status?".

If you own a computer, you probably are on a social networking site called Facebook. On Facebook, people have a place to update their status; it allows us to tell our friends what we are doing or what's on our mind. Your Facebook status basically informs your friends of what you’re doing or feeling. The status of things like our heart, attitude, and thoughts are often determined by where we are going in life. Whenever I’m about to take a vacation my excitement is difficult to contain (it is usually mentioned on my Facebook status). In every moment my status is influenced by the excitement of wherever I am about to go or what I am about to do. Funny thing about facebook is that most us update our status with mundane updates like "I went to the dentist today", "I had a great burrito", or simply "my kids are driving me crazy". The world may look at our status update and say "who cares", but as we read Colossians we begin to see that God cares deeply about our status, he cares about the little things, the simple things, or even the difficult we go through in life. I’m excited about this series because I love the message of the Apostle Paul’s letter to the Colossian church. Paul was reminding the Colossians (and us) that we are to live a life that honors and acknowledges God. He also wanted to remind them that their hope in Heaven and their faith in Jesus would give them the strength to live a life that honors Him. Most importantly our status should always include Him, because with Him we have life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very inspirational, thank you. Some
of us just need to think harder..
concentrate more. Your devos are
helping me do so.

Now about Lost. The only way I would
watch Lost is the way I watch 24....
record them all & then have a Lost day when the season is over.....no pun intended. Maybe I can get them
all on reruns.