Friday, August 27, 2010

Judas, Baptism, & Discipleship

The story of Judas is a cautionary tale of discipleship gone wrong. Judas was a disciple; he followed Jesus everywhere. Discipleship is all about our relationship with Jesus; it is about our desire to be with Him every moment of life. Judas at some point disconnected from Jesus, and when the guilt of his betrayal grew too great, he again acted independently and took Jesus’ place as judge and found himself guilty. Judas did not have the power forgive himself; so he carried out his own punishment. What makes this story sad was that Jesus took Judas’ place on the cross so that Judas wouldn’t have to die. Judas’ story is symbolic of what happens when we try to be independent from Jesus. I call it death by independence.
Baptism is a symbolic event that is relational in nature. Baptism enters us into a relationship with the Gospel story of Jesus. It is our relationship with Jesus that saves us, He took our place, He took our sin, and he connects our prayers to the Father. When we are baptized into His name we are baptized into a relationship that offers the forgiveness of sins and the indwelling power of the Holy Spirit. I’m leery of anyone who tries to narrow the point at which salvation occurs to one single activity, they remind me of the rich young ruler who was willing to be religious but he was not willing to follow Jesus. Salvation is found in an active relationship with Jesus. Baptism by faith in Jesus is a relational event with Jesus; it is a salvation marker in that we now belong to Him. Now that we belong to Jesus, we are to walk with Him as His disciples always following His will. When we read passages like Acts 2:38, Romans 6:1-6, and Colossians 2:9-15 we see that baptism is a participation in the Gospel story of Jesus, therefore when one is baptized they do it for the purpose of connecting with God and His will. That is why Paul often reminded Christians about their baptism, reminding them that they left worldliness behind in order to follow Jesus. If we stop following Jesus, if we live independently from His story we no longer enjoy the benefits of forgiveness and relationship with the Holy Spirit. So today I remind you of your baptism, that you are an important part of the Gospel story found in the Bible, Jesus took our place on the cross so that we could have a life with Him. Now that we are with Him, we live with purpose and joy.


Unknown said...

Thanks for the reminder! Good one bro!

Unknown said...

we'll be talking about Judas in our upcoming study, The Masters Men!

See you there!

Vic said...

I will be there. And I will laugh at all of your jokes!

Michael Donnell said...

Thanks for this post...we can never be reminded too much of who we are in Jesus and what our baptism represents. We become "clothed with Christ" we have a new identity, "new creation" standards and ethics by which we live by. Baptism is a powerful and beautiful event that begins life anew.