Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Inception (part 2)

When Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets was released as a movie I decided that I would take the middle school portion of our youth group to see it on opening weekend. It had been scheduled in our youth group calendar for a few weeks, I didn’t think it would bring a large group, and it didn’t, we only had about six kids come out that Saturday morning. As we were about to leave, another car pulled into the parking lot, it was a visitor named Mary. She was a 16 year old who had visited us with a friend at the previous Wednesday Night Bible Study. When I saw her I told her that I was impressed that she wanted to watch a movie with six middle school boys. Without hesitation she said “I love Harry Potter, and you’re the only church in town that hasn’t made me feel like I’m evil because I’m a Harry Potter fan.” Mary was searching; she came from a Buddhist / New Age background, she had been visiting different youth groups in town, she was looking for a place that would be patient with her as she was searching for a spiritual identity. I told her that we as Christians do not practice witchcraft yet we can identify with qualities such as love and friendship that are found in the Harry Potter series. Mary liked being with our group and she kept coming. It took a year, but eventually she gave her life to Jesus, her mother made the same decision the following year.

Inception of an idea is a like a seed that is planted in the ground, eventually it grows up to be a fruit bearing tree. God used our willingness to find common ground in a Harry Potter movie to plant the seed in Mary’s mind that the love and acceptance she had been looking for was found in Jesus.

As Christians we are often known for what we are against rather than what we believe. We of course oppose witchcraft, but we can find a bond with unbelievers on the strongest elements of each Harry Potter book; elements such as love, friendship, and loyalty. The apostle Paul did the same thing in Athens when he complimented the Athenians for their desire to be religious; in doing so he was able to convert many to Jesus. What I am saying is that God’s people have an opportunity to bring people to Jesus, simply by finding common ground with them, showing them that maybe they already have Jesus working in their lives. When unbelievers witness Christians living with God’s love and righteousness, a seed is planted in their minds, it can grow into an idea, and possibly into the belief that life with Jesus is the best life there is.

1 comment:

mary said...

You are so right..
There is so much to think about in
Inception (part 2). I appreciate
learning from you dear son.
Love your devos. love mom