Thursday, May 26, 2011

The End Was Last Week, You Totally Missed It!

The world seems to be in a frenzy to find out when is the end of world.  Apparently last Saturday May 21st was supposed to be the end; however most of us woke up on May 22nd. The sad reality is that on May 21st it was the end for some people; everyday people die both expectedly and unexpectedly.  Some religious leaders focus so much of their ministries on "The End" that maybe they have forgotten that our focus is supposed to be on Jesus "The Beginning".  In Matthew 24:36 Jesus said "But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father."  We don't know when the "the End" is, we are not supposed to, in fact it is not meant to be our focus.  The reality is we all have an end, that is the bad news; one way or the other death comes for us all.  The story of Jesus is not called "the bad news", it is called the Gospel (the good news).  Jesus came so that we might have life, so that we can overcome sin and death through His power and grace.  Rather than worry about an end we cannot predict, let's focus on a beginning that we can be certain of.  May we all enjoy the great blessings of life found in our Lord Jesus!

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