Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Stacyisms "Let it go, but don't let it go on!"

My wife is very quick and witty when it comes to any kind of dialogue.  So every now and then I will start posting these interesting little phrases that she so often comes up with.  The Stacyism for this week is:
 "I know I need to let it go, but I don't have to let it go on". 
You have to admit, that is good and pretty wise, don't tell her I said that.  For those of you who need some context for she said it is this; sometimes we face troubling and frustrating behavior from the same people on a regualer basis.  In order to get along we know that we have to let that frustration go if we are going to continue having a relationship with that individual.  To forgive and yet address bad behaviour in others is no easy task, and the best advise in how to do that is found in words of Jesus in Matthew 18.  In that chapter Jesus says that not only must we forgive, but we need to lovingly confront bad behavior if we are to maintain unity.  Even though Jesus didn't say it the same way, I think He is is the one that inspires us to "let things go, but not let them go on!". 


Stacy said... the pressure is on to say interesting things! Thanks for thinking I'm witty:) Love you!

Michael Donnell said...

Very good advise. There is no telling how wise I might become if I really started listening Carrie the way she listens to me.

Vic said...

Michael, You are right on! I hope your nice warm Florida ministry is going well. It will in the 20's here tonight.

SAB said...

Stacyisms are very wise words.