Friday, November 05, 2010

Life Group Discussion: Peace & Unity

“Get -R Done” Sermon Series

Life Group Discussion Questions / November 7, 2010
What kind of things disrupt unity within any group (church included)?

In what ways can each member be responsible for maintaining unity within a group?

How would you describe a leader?
Read Mark 10:35.
James and John asked Jesus for an elevated position, one of distinction. What did Jesus mean when he told them “you do not know what you are asking?”

How is the apostles view of leadership flawed according to Jesus?

Do these verses change the way you view leadership? How?

Notice v.41, how did the pursuit of the wrong kind of leadership cause division within the Apostles?

In v.43, Jesus said that the church doesn’t need supermen leaders, it needs leaders who will serve, lead by example, and will put others first. Why is leadership that is filled humility and led by example a more effective leadership style?

Jesus prayed that the church would be one, bonded like the Father and Son are one. In v.21, Jesus goes from using words like “they” to words like “us” or “we”. As Jesus says here, if we are going to be part of God’s mission to make disciples then we cannot be a church full of “I’s”, “they’s” or “thems”, the church must be a “we”.

Why do we so quickly refer to other church members and church leaders as they, rather than we?

Many football fans refer to their favorite team as “we”. Saying things like “we beat them this week” or “we need a better quarterback.”

Why do we so easily connect with our favorite team as a “we” but often speak of our church as a bunch of “theys”?

What can each of us do personally to change that?

READ Colossians 3:14-16
Notice v.15, when someone sees you coming, do they know that you are bringing peace?

IDEA: When peace rules in our hearts, we are quick to unite in the bonds of Jesus rather than to divide over feelings or opinions. We cannot be so quick to separate ourselves from others, when Jesus said I want you to be united and one. As disciples we are responsible for building each other up, encouraging them to grow closer to God and to others. In a way we are all leaders, living an example of humility and grace. What are some things each of us can do to promote unity within our church?
Close in prayer…


Anonymous said...

As the expert, I can assist. Together we can come to a right answer.

Vic said...

Do you have any material on the subject? I would love to see it. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Hmm ... even this happens.

Anonymous said...

Interesting posti for me//

Anonymous said...

Agree with the author. The above mentioned is really an issue.

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