Friday, July 01, 2011

Small Group Lesson John 6

LIFE GROUP Lesson: Jesus 24/7. Jesus all the time!
What are some things that you think are impossible to achieve?

What are some things that our great grandparents might have thought were impossible in their day and yet are possible today?

READ John 6:1-9
Why did Jesus ask the question “Where shall we buy bread for these people to eat?”

Rather than answer Jesus directly, Philip answered Jesus’ where question with a statement that focused on what resource? (answer: money)

Do you think that was the answer Jesus wanted to hear?

When it comes to doing good things (God honoring things), why does money often become part of the discussion?

If we focus simply on the money or property we have, what things might we ignore or miss?

Andrew answered Jesus’ where question with a how question. What do you think Andrew was alluding to here? (answer: I think he was saying that it would be impossible to feed all of the people)

When it comes to serving God, why do we focus on the barriers or on what we perceive as impossibilities?

When we focus on the impossibilities who is our focus not on?

READ John 6:10-15
What did Jesus do with a young man’s lunch?

Do you think 5 loaves and 2 fish was some of the lunch, most of the lunch, or all of the lunch?
(answer: I think all of it)
READ Philippians 4:12-13
IDEA: One powerful idea we get from this story is that all things are possible when we give all things to Jesus. The Apostles were focused on money & worldly resources in order to feed these people; but what Jesus wanted them to learn is that they needed to give themselves completely to Jesus in order for them to be completely capable of meeting the needs of others.

The 12 apostles collected 12 basketfuls of bread after Jesus had already fed 5000 men (possibly 20,000 people all together) all from one child’s lunch. What does this story tell us about the provision Jesus gives to those who serve Him?

Close in Prayer

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