Monday, July 11, 2011

No Barrier Can Stop Him

I love the story of Jesus walking on water.  Not because Peter tried to walk out to Him or because Jesus lifted Peter out of the water; I just love that Jesus was willing to walk out to them.  We live in a world filled with barriers and roadblocks that keep us from being where we want or need to be.  When the apostles were crossing the Sea of Galilee they were following Jesus’ direction, knowing that they would eventually meet up with Jesus.  I get a feeling that whenever the apostles were separated from Jesus that they felt a sense of uneasiness. After all Jesus was their leader; without Him they were like a boat without a paddle.  When the storm hit their boat, they were overcome by both fear and a sense of powerlessness.  We see their fear grow even more when they saw someone walking out on the water toward them.  Was it a demon or ghost?  They were unsure at first, but then Jesus put their fear to rest and said “it is I, don’t be afraid.”  When they finally allowed Jesus into the boat, they immediately arrived at their destination.  Ultimately Jesus was their destination, because only when they were with Him were they able to overcome their fear and have the power to finish the task of crossing the lake.  This story once again illustrates how there is no barrier or distance that can keep God from being with His people.  He wants to be in your life, He wants to give you power, and courage; will you let Him into your boat?    -Vic

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