Thursday, February 17, 2011

Small Group Lesson: pray, pray, pray again

Life Group Lesson: pray, pray, pray again

ILLUSTRATION: In the movie “Rudy” we see the story of an underdog, someone who overachieves and beats the odds. His main goal in life is to play football for Notre Dame. , Rudy's grades had improved dramatically. But three semesters and three rejection letters later, he is devastated and hopeless. His next semester is his last chance, because Notre Dame never allows seniors to transfer. He has managed his way to South Bend, labored in class, and even scraped up enough odd jobs so he can eat. He has been diligent and worked every angle he knew. But it hasn't been enough. Rudy finds himself in the chapel where he meets a priest named Father Cavanaugh. And he poured out his soul to the old priest. "Maybe I haven't prayed enough," Rudy says, almost frantic. Father Cavanaugh answers with kind, narrow eyes, "I'm sure that's not the problem. Praying is something we do in our time. The answers come in God's time." Rudy isn't satisfied. There has to be something else he can do. "Have I done everything I possibly can? Can you help me?" Father Cavanaugh's answer is measured but sure. "Son, in 35 years of religious studies, I've come up with only two hard, incontrovertible facts: There is a God, and I'm not Him."

When you hear someone say something like Father Cavanaugh did about prayer in the movie “Rudy”, do you agree or disagree with his statement?

What do you think when you hear someone say “God answers prayer in His own time?”

READ 2 Peter 3:8-9
The context of 2 Peter 3 is about the Lord’s 2nd coming, however what do we learn about God’s desire and purpose for people?

Whose schedule is He on?

It is also important to see who the focus of God’s love is on. This passage clearly says God works on His time but for our interest. Why is that not always easy to believe?

READ Luke 11:1-12
In v.1-4, Jesus teaches His disciples how to pray. What qualities does Jesus demonstrate in His prayer?

How do qualities like humility, submission, reverence, and trust help us have better prayer lives?

Look at v.5-8, why would a friend give you what you need when you ask them?
(IDEA: You ask, you never stop asking because you believe it will be given to you if you ask enough.)

Do we ask God enough for what we need or want?

Why do we stop asking for what we need?
(IDEA: either we don’t really need it or we have a lack of faith)
In v.9-10, Jesus says that we are to ask, seek, and knock expecting God to hear us and to give us what we need. The previous verses mention that prayer requires audacity. Prayer requires a faith that is both unstoppable and determined. Compare you’re life right now to that which is described here, do you pray with audacity? Why or why not?

I love and v.11-12, because we are reminded that God is a loving Father who meets our needs, who gives us His Holy Spirit that transforms us to be more and more like Jesus. Close in prayer.

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