Friday, February 04, 2011

There’s An APP for That … Series: PEACE

Life Group Lesson: Peace
Today is the big game. Who do you think will win the Super Bowl? Who do you want to win?

Answer the Following question on a scale of 1 to 10. (1 meaning very little and 10 being very much)

How strong is God in your life?
How powerful is He in your life?
How much is He in your life?

Is anyone willing to explain the ratings they gave to the previous questions?

The things we do, the way we act is connected to the strength of our God. The smaller or lesser view of God we have the more powerful our fears and stress will be because all the power and answers fall on us and not on God. Is there any peace being independent from God?

How would you define peace? How would you explain the idea of “inner peace”?

How does the following passage help you?

“I can do all this through him who gives me strength.” Philippians 4:13 NIV

Does it inspire you to be closer to God so you can be stronger?

How has God strength brought you peace?

READ Matthew 11:28-29

In Matthew 11 Jesus has traveled through the towns of Capernaum and Bethsaida. He saw the lack of faith and peace in their lives, therefore Jesus warned them of this & predicted that their independence from God would destroy them.

What does Jesus promise us in v.28?

What does Jesus say we need to learn if we are to have peace or rest?

To be gentle means that I do not force my will upon others including God. How does being gentle in this way help you find peace?

How does humility help us find God’s strength?

What part of your life do you experience the most peace from God’s strength?

What part of your life do you experience the least amount of peace?

If you are ready to allow God to give you strength, if you want peace, then do as v. 29 says, learn from Jesus, follow His example of humility and trust in God. Close in prayer.

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