Thursday, December 16, 2010

Think like Toys R US

Martin Luther wrote, “Christ is the kind of person who is not ashamed of sinners—in fact, he even puts them in his family tree! Now if the Lord does that here, so ought we to despise no one … but put ourselves right in the middle of the fight for sinners and help them.”

I think we all agree with Martin Luther’s quote. Jesus came to this earth to save sinners, and He did it by aggressively inserting himself into our world. Jesus knew that the best way to reach sinners was to bring God’s love to them, to reach out to the hopeless and give them hope. The business world understands that if you want to reach people with your products, you can’t wait till they come to you, you must go to them if you want to be successful. Please read the following article from Mae Anderson:

Toys "R" Us will be reaching out to you soon. Due to the economic downturn and tough competition, the toy chain has started to change their strategy. Specifically, in 2010 Toys "R" Us plans to "invade" shopping malls around the country by opening 600 express stores and hiring 10,000 part-time seasonal employees. Rather than waiting for customers to come to their traditional stores, they are finding ways to reach out. It's all part of their big vision to share their products with the world. According to CEO Gerald Storch, "We've been very aggressive [about reaching people] during the economic downturn, and this is another aggressive action." Spurred on by last year's success, they're not asking, "How can we survive this year?" Instead, they're trying to make an impact by asking, "How big can we make this?" It's an impressive display of creative, visionary thinking about how to reach people where they're at.”

In life, business, and in church we are never successful when we sit and wait for people to come to us. That is why the great commission doesn’t say “Sit and wait for the world to come to you”, instead it says “Go into all the world”. As a new year begins, let us commit to follow the example of Jesus by reaching out to sinners and sharing with them the truth, love, and grace of God. Merry Christmas & Get - R Done!


SAB said...

Wise words. Thanks!!

Anonymous said...

Причина четвертая. Отключаться через реальности с помощью алкоголя начинают в основном те мужчины, которые живут "под каблуком" у жены. То столовать общественное мировоззрение твердит мужчине, который он должен быть сильным, а новобрачная заставляет его осязать себя слабым. И получается, что такому мужу стукнуть кулаком сообразно столу (это маневр многие считают "достойным" проявлением силы) позволено как в пьяном виде. Это другое профессия, сколько наутро половина устроит мужу хорошую взбучку изза то, который прежде сообразно пьяной лавочке глас повысил… Однако временно он пьян - ему дозволительно кулаком хотя по столу, хотя жене сообразно физиономии. Вот тутто он "авторитетный", и всегда встает для свои места. [url=]ремонт квартир недорого[/url]