Friday, December 03, 2010

Babies Change Everything!

Abby & Jack at Lamberts Restaurant in Sikeston, Mo 
 When Abby was born, a friend of mine made a very prophetic and true statement; he said everything in your life has changed. I said “I know”. He said, “no you don’t. Not just your schedule and activities will change, but who you are will continue to change. Your love for that child will change you, and transform you.” My friend was right; every day I am reminded that my life has changed, that things are different now, not because of one but two babies have come into my life. I’m not talking about little changes like stepping on Lego’s, waiting in car rider lines, cleaning weird carpet stains, going to choir concerts, or soccer games. With the arrival of children I have learned patience, forgiveness, love, and responsibility. Children can change us for the better.  Two thousand years ago a baby arrived and did just that for whole world. When Jesus came to this earth, He changed it forever, because of Him our world will never be the same again. He grew into a man, into a healer, a teacher, and a savior. As He walked on this earth, Jesus demanded that we would change our ways and become more like Him and less like the world. When Jesus met people, He changed them forever. In a few weeks, many people will celebrate the birth of Christ. When Jesus came to this earth, He came to connect us back to God. At Christmas & New Years, many people evaluate who they are and where they are going in life. That is not a bad idea. Jesus came to this earth to restore us into holy and blameless people who make room for those who are in need; we should use this time to recommit to the changed life He has called us to.

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