Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Giants Vs. Partiots

Today is the Big Game, two sides trying to occupy the one title of champion.  Who do you think will win, will it be the Patriots or the Giants?  Who knows?  Being a Texans fan I might just say “who cares?”  I only say that because I wish my team had made it this far.  So who will win?  Patriots or Giants?  Maybe we can look to the Bible for the answer?  You might not know this but in the Old Testament there is an epic story of a battle between patriots and giants that was filled with drama and uncertainty, in this story it was the patriots that were outmatched and it was the giants who were overconfident.  And if it hadn’t have been for a last second throw by a rookie, the Giants would have prevailed.  You know the story I’m talking about right?  In 1 Samuel the Israelites were fulfilling their patriotic duty and fighting for their country against the Philistines who were led by their champion, a giant named Goliath.  Israel seemed outmatched in every way possible, the Philistines were technologically more advanced, better funded, and confident; they were also led by a real life giant?  For some reason Israel was weary and afraid, their heart just wasn’t in the upcoming battle; patriotism was just not enough.  Things got worse, the giant demanded a challenger who would settle the battle once and for all between the two sides.  No one from Israel stepped up.  It looked like the Giants were going to win that day, when all of a sudden a young shepherd boy reminded the king of Israel of the real reason why they were fighting the Philistines.  They were not there to just honor their country, they were there to honor their God.  The shepherd boy named David went up to face the giant armed with only a sling shot and five stones.  When David slung the rock, the giant had no chance against it, because on that day it wasn’t a rock, a sword, or an army of patriots that won the battle, it was the power of God working in the life of a young  man who chose to honor His God above all else.  So, in the bible the Patriots beat the Giants.  Whatever giant struggle you are facing, don’t give up, and just remember that the greatest strength comes when we choose to honor our God above all else.

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