Friday, April 08, 2011


You can be a minister and a missionary without leaving your job or your country. In fact, we are officially asking you to take on this responsibility starting this morning. Here is how it works: this week and every Sunday, we ask that you refrain from talking with your closest friends and associates for the first five minutes after the closing prayer. Instead, seek out visitors or members you normally do not spend time with and speak to them. Get to know their names, where they live, and what they do. Afraid you will approach a member when you thought they were a visitor? Relax! They are probably wondering if you are a member, too! Get to know their names and shake their hands. Smile at each other and you will know each other from now on. Five minute ministry… easier than relocating to Venezuela but just as critical for the health of the kingdom of God. Start now. (Author unknown)

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