Friday, March 11, 2011

Small Group Lesson: Joy & Grace

Small Group Lesson: Joy & Grace

Why is it easier to give rather than to receive gifts?
How would you define words like “grace” & “unconditional love”?
Who have you had the most unconditional love relationship with? Explain.

READ 2 Thessalonians 2:15-17
According to v.16-17 what does God’s grace and love help us do?

When you are hopeful, encouraged, and strengthened; do you find it easier to be filled with joy? Explain.

READ 2 Timothy 1:6-12
In v.9-11 Paul describes unconditional love. According to these verses how did God demonstrate His unconditional love towards us?

How would you define conditional love?

What is the weakness of conditional love?
Why is it dangerous for relationships? For a marriage? For a church? For faith?

If grace allows us to be free of earning someone’s love; how does that help us be honest and real?

READ Hebrew 12:1-3
When Jesus was headed to the cross, the Hebrew writer said that Jesus had joy. How can anyone find joy in midst of such terrible circumstance?

Do you think Jesus found joy in sacrificing for God, or do you think He found joy in doing the will of God? Explain.

What can we learn from Jesus when it comes to finding joy in being connected to God?

The Apostle Paul said to the Roman church: “32 so that I may come to you with joy, by God’s will, and in your company be refreshed. 33 The God of peace be with you all. Amen.” Romans 15:32-33 NIV. The true source of joy is found in our connection to God and to the people around us.

What barriers do you need to remove in order to have deeper and more fulfilling relationships with God’s people?

What needs to change in order for you to have a deeper and more authentic relationship with God?

Close in Prayer…

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