Friday, September 03, 2010

I Passed a Runner!

Back in June of 2009 I began to run about 3 to 4 times a week. I started because as a minister I visit a lot of people in hospitals who are in poor health and live with regret over how they have neglected their health over the years. Anyway I have really enjoyed running, I’m not a crazy runner, in fact I only run about two to three miles each time. I’m not looking to run any marathons, but if you need a running partner in a 5-K I’m all for it. You are going to laugh at me now, because I am going to brag, Stacy and were running yesterday and we did something we have never done before, we passed another runner who was going the same direction we were. That never happens; we pass walkers all the time, but never runners. In fact we are often passed by “real” runners; you know the ones who run in triathlons and marathons. Anyway we were proud of ourselves, we finally passed another runner!

Achievements no matter how small they are can be quite satisfying! The truth is, if it wasn’t for my wife I wouldn’t be running, she got me into it, and now I love it. She started about four months ahead me; her new found excitement and continued example was too powerful for me to ignore. Before I knew it, I wanted to be part of what she was doing, and now I love running too. There are things in life we do, that we are passionate about, and that happened because we were influenced by someone else’s passion and example. See where I’m going with this?

As God’s children our passion and example or lack thereof is witnessed by the world. When we live connected to the Father we display a wonderful life that others notice. Right now someone is watching you (hopefully not in a stalker way), what do they see? People that know me know that I love Texas football, that I enjoy running, but do they know that I am a follower of Jesus? I hope so, I hope that I have not hidden that passion so deep that my love for God is a mystery. People know I run because I share (blurt out) small victories like when I passed another runner yesterday. My goal is to start sharing; blurting out the victories that God gives me each day. If I keep doing that, eventually someone will get the idea that this guy not only loves running, and Texas football, but he really loves God.

Stay tuned for my next running article called “I Love Cushlon!!!”
I have no pictures of me running, but here is one of me throwing a football. 
It is the most athletic picture of me that I have.


mary said...

If you are going to run,
take your minerals & vitamines,
dear. love, m

Michael Donnell said...

Nice form, but your follow through could use some help. Nice post...I have caught on to some Randy Harris philosophy in regards to how others see us. I wonder what would happen if the world would say of Christians...these people might not be very passionate about sports teams, but they sure are passionate about this Jesus guy...would are impact in the world be more clearly seen?

Stacy said...

I love running with you! Thanks for challenging me to see how God works in the everyday:)